

ISO 9001:2015
Storebrogjuteriet is certified according to ISO 9001

ISO 14001:2015
Storebrogjuteriet is certified according to ISO 14001


Quality and environmental policy

Our quality- and environmental management shall be made tangible, with clear targets directed at constant improvements

We shall always comply with the laws and requirements set by legislation, as well as other requirements placed on the operation

We shall always endeavour to have as low an environmental impact as possible, and to prevent pollution

We shall be sensitive to, and take into account, our customers’ requirements and meet their expectations

We shall maintain the quality of our products that the customers expect

For us, quality is when the customer comes back and not the product

All employees are responsible for the quality of the work carried out and that either directly or indirectly affects our undertaking towards the customer

All employees shall be aware of our quality and environmental policy and actively ensure that it is fulfilled.

Version 3 Storebro 2012-06-07


CEO Olle Ahlström

ISO 9001/14001

Bureau Veritas